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Thursday, Dec. 27, 2001 - 2:48 a.m.




The Sweet 'n Sour Song
Thursday, Dec. 27, 2001 - 2:48 a.m.

Ok, Christmas was great; remind me to make a list of the things I got this year. I can't do it now because half the stuff is in my room and I don't want to wake everyone up. I need to see it because I can't remember half of the stuff I got. (Probably the half that's in my room)

Jess told me today that she kills herself laughing after every one of my entries. Even if they're not funny. You're pretty good Jess. So far you've got...249 lives. Maybe this one will be the kicker.

When I worked Christmas day I started to get kind of depressed. I've been working with Luc almost every shift for the past couple weeks. Today I didn't and that, coupled with having to work Christmas day, made me sad. Everything I saw kept reminding me of Luc and I kind of got the impression of what it would feel like to break up with someone. The immensely subdued feeling of course. I just missed my bud.

This morning (1 in the after noon, i.e. morning for me) my mom came down stairs to inform us that our little cousins were coming over. It was a mad rush to get all of our edible or valuable or ...well all of our presents and hide them. Our cousins are very handsy and tend to break stuff. Everything went smoothly. Nothing seemed to have been touched when I got home.

The other day I was talking with Luc and Sue. I forget what I said but Susan replied with "Are you sure you're not gay?" Now what the hell is that? I've only ever planned for things in the style of "Are you gay?" How can I come up with something clever or cute in response to "Are you sure you're not?" Give me something to work with sister. Well, today went much better. I nonchalantly came out to Beth and Sue. Beth was asking me what I got for Christmas. I mentioned my Kylie Minogue CD among other things and then told her I got/watched Moulin Rouge and really enjoyed it. Beth said she liked it too.

Me: "Yup, what can I say? I'm a big fag."

Sue: "Well at least you're proud of it."

That was it.

It was like pleasant small talk. We just kept working after that. No awkwardness, no nothing. And to my surprise, Sue, who I've heard say homophobic remarks before, was actually more playful with me today. Woohoo! Let's hope they do a better job at gossiping than my managers did.

After work Kim called me because her and Jess were bored and wanted to do something. I started telling her about a Simpson�s episode I was just watching. I explained a bit of the story. In short: Lisa brings Homer pudding. While she's talking we hear homers thoughts: "Eatthepudding-eatthepudding-eatthepudding-eatthepudding-eatthepudding..."

and as I was saying that over and over again Jess' dad picks up the phone to use it and says "...hello? Oh...k" and hangs up before I even have a chance to stop. Yup, ...i'm a smart one.

We ended up going to Tim Horton�s first. I ordered a large coffee, hated it and ended up giving the rest to Jess after I found out we were going to BK. I love BK coffee. When we got there I got a coffee and Jess and Kim got fries and rings. We discussed things like, how much money would it take for you to pee yourself in public. I believe my price was 10 000$. In my driveway? 700$ I would accept 200$ but I really want a digital camera.

How much would it take to make out with the prime minister? I said 20$ but thinking about it now I'd do it for free. It would make for some great small talk.

"Beautiful weather eh? Speaking of weather, I frenched the Prime Minister."
